Alkhidmat Flagship Program 4.0: Empowering Young Volunteers for Social Impact

Under the banner of the Al-Khidmat Flagship Program 4.0, a significant awareness event was recently organized to educate thousands of young volunteers about the profound social and societal impacts of connecting with good. This initiative underscores Al-Khidmat's commitment to fostering a spirit of community service and altruism among the youth.

The event served as a platform for the new batch of Alkhidmat volunteers to receive a comprehensive overview of the organization’s mission and ongoing projects. Through engaging sessions and interactive discussions, the volunteers were introduced to the core values that drive Alkhidmat’s efforts in various humanitarian fields.

Vice Presidents Syed Ihsan Ullah Waqas and Zikrullah Mujahid highlighted the importance of understanding and addressing community needs, encouraging the volunteers to actively participate in initiatives that promote well-being and support for the underprivileged. The volunteers learned about the wide range of Alkhidmat projects, including health services, educational programs, disaster relief, and the recent provision of lunch boxes and clean water bottles to 5,000 prisoners in Lahore jail.


By Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan

Bio. Press Release

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